Monday 22 February 2010

Planning Preliminary Match Cut Exercise:

Each group were given the exact same brief, which was to create a sequence including at least one match cut, shot/reverse shot and illustrating an understanding of the 180 degree rule. The sequence much show a character opening a door, walking into a room, sitting opposite another character, both sharing a few lines of dialogue.

There was no requirement to make this sequence "thrilling" but to give us some experience and technique in making something thrilling we decided that it would be best to aim for a thrilling sequence.
After brainstorming many scenarios in which allowed us to fulfill the brief and create a thrilling effect we decided on a briefcase swap with little and not so informative speech.

Our storyboard shows an inconspicuous character walking down a corridor to a coded door, of which is zoomed into when the code is entered. The character enters the room to see someone in a chair waiting for his arrival. During the conversation between the two a briefcase is passed from under a table. The character who enters the room quickly leaves and hurries down a corridor.

This exercise was good a good introduction for the beginning of our own thriller opening title sequence. It allowed us to feel comfortable with the people in our groups and with the camera equipment and in some ways created a sense of style in the way we filmed and directed for future productions. I really enjoyed this exercise as it was educational as well as fun.

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