Thursday 4 February 2010

Skills Audit Live Type and Sound

For our thriller title sequence we have to put in titles and sound to make it look like an authentic thriller title sequence and in order to do this we had to learn skills on how to do this and learn how to use programs such as Live type and Soundtrack pro.

In Livetype you can create titles for your thriller and in this programs you can make them in any style you want so you can make it significant like seen in the picture "Smoking Kills" where it is orange to represent it being fire and fire is dangerous and with the background smoke it helps support the logo where smoking is dangerous and can kill. hoverer for your thriller title sequence you could change the font and make it look old or bold and many more but you can make it red to make it significant and to represent danger. So in livetype you can make the titles significant to go with your thriller you are making.

Also in this lesson we learnt how to use Soundtrack Pro where it is a programme where you can create the soundtrack for your thriller title sequence. you can make it slow music to build up tension and to make your thriller title sequence suspenseful. Also in soundtrack pro you can get special affects like big explosions or even get sounds like for a city scene which we are thinking about in using so this would be very helpful and it Will make it authentic.

Both the skills are very useful to have to make our thriller title sequence authentic and to make it look like a real production company had made this film and the soundtrack and Livetype will make our title sequence better as it will help us to gain more marks as it will look more like a title sequence.

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