Saturday 20 February 2010

Introduction to the Camera & Health and Safety Tutorial

In this lesson, we were given a briefing of the 'dos and don'ts' of using the camera and all the other equipment entailed with filming.

The tutorial was split in to a few sections:

1) Using the tripod: we were given a few tips as to how to get a level steady shot, how to set up and strike the tripod safely and the tip to keep people around the tripod at all times to prevent people tripping over it. This video tells you everything you need to know about using a tripod:

2) Using the camera: Bernard then told us which settings we should use on the camera, how to manually set the focus, how to switch from one memory card to the other, how to shut the lens cap and so on. The most important part of keeping the camera safe was to make sure a member of the group was supervising it at all times and to make sure it is securely locked on to the tripod.

3) Correctly inserting the battery. This is imperatively important in filming - without a battery the camera would not turn on, and there would be no film.

4) Inserting the memory card correctly and learning to switch between the storage of two memory cards

5) Using the card reader to transfer our footage from the memory card to the iMacs

6) Safely connecting the video drive, saving things to it correctly and ejecting the video drive safely! Without ejecting the video drive properly data can be irreversibly deleted, so ejecting the drive is amazingly important.

We were also told to consider things like:
  • Putting up an umbrella over the camera if it rains to prevent it from getting wet
  • Not letting anyone outside the group use the camera
  • Keeping the camera away from busy roads or lakes (anywhere it could get accidentally damaged)
  • Packing the camera into its protective case when not in use

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