Tuesday 23 February 2010

Open Title Sequence Ideas:

After coming up with many ideas for a possible opening title sequence, some conventional to the 'typical' thriller and others we saw as more of a challenge to the 'typical' thriller. Our general idea to begin with that we believed to be 'typical' was a male following a female through the streets. We wanted to elaborate this idea as we know, from watching other thriller movies, it works well in capturing an audience within suspense. But at the same time we wanted to be more creative and more complex idea, of which would fit the political/conspiracy thriller genre well (it could be said our current affairs blogs had some inspiration or the genre as well as our location of central London). After the suggestion of many possible ideas we finally came up with the following outline for our sequence and soon after began to storyboard and choose possible locations for shooting.

In our opening title sequence we will see a conspicuous looking man in suit with a brief case walking confidently through the city of London. It will involve many close up and extreme close up shots of the surrounding city to establish location and give the audience a real sense of busy city life, as well as the city’s busyness being reflected in the quick editing pace we intend to use throughout the sequence. There will be use of flash back/flash forward narrative giving the audience and insight into the movie, but not giving away the plot line. This change in narrative will show the same guy not so confident, instead fearful and is the victim of something unknown to the audience; he is running through a forest, being followed by an unknown character. Dropping documents on his journey. He is unaware of where he is going and needs to dispose of important documents.

To give the opening sequence a real edge and thrilling effect on the audience we intend to use different filming/editing techniques that will allow us to distinguish the different narrative, mainly through the use of colour. During the future scenes of the movie, darker, more intense and threatening colours will be used. With only the occasional hint of colour, which is likely to be bold and eye catching e.g. red. The present day scenes will be more neutral and dull, but will have focused and close up shots of red objects, for example London transport. Sound used will also help to distinguish the different narrative. Busy city sounds will be used in the present. Whereas the future scenes will have intense and atmospheric music to represent the characters fear, creating suspense.

The opening titles of the movie will appear on the documents that are being dropped by the running character; they will flow around the frame freely, or will float in the river we hope to find on location. The movie title will ideally, be bought into the frame in the present day scenes by a huge red bus.

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