Wednesday 24 February 2010

match cut prelimeary exercise

In this lesson me and my group had to make a short film and then edit it, the idea was to have a practise with filming and edit before we start filming our opening title sequence to our thriller film so we could get a feel for the camera and how to edit it and make it a smooth edit and have at least three match cuts in this film to make it look like a smooth running clip.

with this film I liked the three match cut edits we had and they all came one after the other like the edit we done with Rico walking up to the door then typing the number into the door in order to get in and then opening and closing the door which I thought worked really well as it looked like it was a smooth edit and with this edit u could not tell that there was an edit there and that is the whole point of a good edit so I thought that in a practise for the 1st real time we have edited I thought it worked out really well as it was a good edit.

However as it was a practise there was some things that I thought that we could have done better like the position of the cast and the camera because in most shots with in the room there is to much space in the background or round the sides of the room which makes the characters in the film look smaller because there was just to much stuff in the background and it would look better if there was not all that space. Also we could have made the film look better when Rico is leaving the room we could have got a close up of his face and then done a pan and follow him to the door which would have looked better and then we could have got a nice edit of his face when he opened the door and this wood off made it look more professional.

I think for a practise run, we made a good attempt to make a film with three match cuts and to make them look smooth where you can not tell a match cut has taken place and i think we achieved that as all match cuts look professional. however with all practices we could always improve like next time we would know how to position people and to try and cut the space and try not to show to much in the film and only show the people in the film and a bit of the background. so for a practice run I think my group made a good attempt because we set out to do the task and have edits in the film and make it look professional and i did learn good tips in how to improve my film for the main coursework with the opening title sequence.

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