Monday 1 February 2010

Thriller plots in the media?

Global warming is a permanent hot topic of conversation in the media in this day and age. Some people would argue that global warming is a conspiracy to speculate global panic and stimulate gross taxes on products like petrol, for instance. The conspiracy that is attached to global warming could make way for a riveting political-conspiracy thriller.

The plot would involve the unveiling of the information that the ice caps have not been melting at the speed that the media has scared the public with at all. This means that all evidence based on the melting ice caps would become void, and we would be back at square one in terms of global warming.

However, the audience would watch the government still feeding the population with the shock tactics that the ice caps are melting so rapidly. This would mean they would raise taxes on 'luxury items' like petrol, or ban certain lightbulbs in the hope to put global warming at bay. As the government would know that their information is false, the film could follow what the government chooses to do with the wrongly accumulated money from the taxes of petrol.

To build suspense throughout the film, a murder could occur to cover the misleading scare-mongering information that has been polluting the world for years; the government could be represented as terrorists, acting criminally to stop the breakthrough of global warming being unveiled as a myth.

The obvious conflict in the film would be between the government (trying to hide the information, keep the conspiracy going and continue raising taxes on items like petrol) and the 'hero' in the form of a confident scientist.

Here is a blog entry referring to a real-life version of my film synopsis, where a vice-chairman released false statistics relating to the life expectancy of the ice caps:

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