Wednesday 3 February 2010

How is suspense created

The movie 'United 93'is about an incident that happen, noticed as the 9/11 Bombings. becuase this was a real life theme it automatically plucked at the heart strings of us and we were emotionally touched by the outcome.

This film was full of suspense becuase the director made it obvious what the two men where planning to do however, we didn't no when they were going to make the the moveand hijack the plane.

On the plane we see members of the Al-Qaida keep going other to each other and asking question we think they are going to start the move but don't this happens 4 times and each time we get a gutwrenching feeling as the suspense is building.

Then finally nthey start the move and the aggression in the faces as they brutally stab passengers, this was unexpected and created climax and suspense.

Every last tiny detail used by Greengrass is drenched with unbearable tension, especially at the very beginning. Every gesture, every look, every innocent greeting, every puzzled exchange of glances over the air-traffic scopes, every panicky call between the civil air authority and the military - it is all amplified, deafeningly, in pure meaning. And the first scenes in which the United 93 passengers enter the plane for their dull, routine early-morning flight are almost unwatchable.

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