Monday, 1 February 2010

News and Current Affairs:

Acts of terrorism are something we, as a society, fear but at the same time has become an act in which we have come to accept could happen at any moment in time. Over recent years a number of failed and successful terrorist attacks have been performed in the UK as well as globally. After recent UK National Security investigations, it has been established that the UK is under 'severe' threat of terrorist attack. Terrorist attacks are usually the outcome of political and governmental issues/decisions disputed by the beliefs of religious fanaticism, and so the issue could evolve into an initial idea for a sub genre, political religious thriller. Maybe even illustrating features of a conspiracy thriller.

A possible plot for a thriller based on terrorism could be the failing of national security; an attack to cleverly planned and involving the most inconspicuous of people it goes undetected. Once detected a series of suspense building events, such as failed bomb attempts and hostage holding could occur. Multi-narrative perspective could be used to capture the audiences attention, clearly demonstrate actions of various characters and events taking place; successfully creating suspense through the ignorance and contrast of characters in each situation. Much like the technique used in the political thriller 'United 93', where different locations and groups if characters are shown to the audience differently. Exposing certain aspects that others are unaware of.

The reality of situations portrayed to audiences will have a great effect on the audience because of its reality and some what shocking nature of the issue. It instantly has an emotional effect and the possibility of a similar event occurring strikes fear in audiences, even if they do believe they should remain vigilant in society. Aspects raised in political thrillers like this can sometimes educate people in field they were unaware of before, though reality is sometimes exaggerated.

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