Monday 25 January 2010

Thriller Sub-Genres:

The thriller genre is frequently mistaken for your typical horror movie, as well as action movie. Though both do entail aspects and moments of suspense, as well as other movie genres. 'Thriller' is only an over all description of the genre; to specifically categorise a movie sub genres are needed. Thriller sub genres allow the conventions of the thriller genre to merge together with elements another genre to have more of an effect on the audience and more compelling story lines.

The Sub Genres:
Action Thriller
Crime Thriller
Conspiracy Thriller
Drama Thriller
Legal Thriller
Medical Thriller
Political Thriller
Psychological Thriller
Spy Thriller
Religious Thriller

Out of the sub genres, I would say I was most inspired by the action thriller. Simply because of the constant action and thrilling nature, the excitement and suspense throughout is what really grabs my attention; they are purely entertaining. The political thriller is another sub genre which inspires me, the reality in the plots and the issued discussed within the movies interests me greatly, as well as the masses of suspense created throughout. Conspiracy thrillers are another sub genre in which inspire me. They usually are based on a political or social issue of some kind with the constant unveiling of information and uncertainties, that may lead to questioning of realities, creating mass amounts of suspense and tension. Another, is the religious thriller, my interest in religion and beliefs always make religious thrillers more exiting and gripping and they always tend to have an eerie nature.

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