Monday 25 January 2010

How is suspense created in 'United 93'?

'United 93', a political thriller, follows a series of events that took place on September 11th, 2001. The majority of the film focuses on one particular plane hijacked, of which is headed for an attack on the White house, and follows the emotional journey of the characters involved first hand as well as those in other locations.
Suspense can be created in a number of ways to successfully have an effect on the audience; through the use of sound, particular camerawork, mise en scene and editing. Separately and combined.

The overall composition of the movie and the fact the movie is based on real events instantly creates some form of suspense, the events of September 11th were, and still are widely publicised, and the audience know something terrible is going to happen. They are just not sure when or how the tragedy occurs, and so they are left waiting, gradually being given vital pieces of information for the climax.

The sound used throughout 'United 93' plays a major role in conveying suspense among an audience. In the opening sequence of the movie, for a matter of seconds, only readings of the Qur'an. Instantly, all attention is focused on the appearance of the book itself being read, at the same time a continuous drone like sound begins and takes on the likeliness of a heart beat which speeds up. The intensity and the fastening pace of sound automatically triggers a sense of anticipation of "something" happening. Not only is sound a vital in the opening sequence, but continues throughout the movie using bass like drones and orchestral music to create a certain ambiance and triggering certain emotions.

The camerawork used within 'United 93' is another technique used to repeatedly attain the creation of suspense. Throughout scenes of the movie that are set on the aircraft, a hand held camera is used. This emphasises the reality of the situation, which in way will allow audiences to immerse themselves in the event, and creates an uneasy atmosphere among audiences, the use of a hand held camera. At many times in the movie the camera is positioned behind airplane seats, giving a point of view shot of those who are seated allowing, again, a sense of reality.

The quickly paced editing, at times, expresses the urgency of the situation. Along with the combination of intense sounds such as drones, suspense is easily and successfully created. Suspense is created a number of times using this method, as well as very slow editing, continuous heart beat like sound and orchestral music. Fast, clean cutting between a series of settings accentuates the urgency of the scene and creates a building up of tension and suspense.

The mise en scene throughout 'United 93' allows the audience to clearly establish the location. The move is set in a number of clearly distinguishable locations, the airplane its self, air traffic control and an army establishment, without use of specific props this would not be possible. The different locations, as previously mentioned, allow means for editing techniques to create suspense.

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