Monday 25 January 2010

How is Suspense Created in 'United 93'?

United 93 is a political thriller that depicts the tragic events of the terrorist attack of 9/11. The film shows the story of the one plane out of four that did not reach its target - The White House. The suspense built throughout the film is vital in creating the tragic effect the film has on the viewer.

The film creates suspense in a variety of different ways - sound is very important. Throughout the film bassy sounds are played (almost like a drone) to foreshadow the impending doom. The bass also mimics a heartbeat, and this sounds very sinister. The music then becomes very emotional, played by an orchestra with a combination of ambient sounds.

United 93 shows different takes on the story - it shows the perpertrators of the attack before they board the flight, and also the innocent people. This shows an obvous divide in who is good and bad in this film, and makes it more obvious that something terrible will happen.

The handheld camera is also very ominous, showing that there is a lack of control. This mimics the plot.

Facial expressions are also very important - the facial expressions of the perpertrators show many different emotions including nervousness, remorse, agitation etc.

The fact that the film is based on true events also creates extreme suspense, as the audience already know the ending and its terrible events, but we wish to see how the story reaches these terrible events.

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