Tuesday 26 January 2010

Photo 'Words' Activity

A list of word were given and in groups we were required to take photographs that associate with 6. The words we chose to take photographs of were Paranoid, city, confusion, hanging, depression and confusion. Here are some examples of the photos we took:

Confusion - this photo shows Sam sitting with a confused expression on her face. clearly illustrating confusion. Her posture and hand gestures also suggests this. The audience are thenmade to question her actions and become confused themselves.
City - the simple image of a city scape clearly illustrates and depicts the word 'city'. The dark colours suggest the bad weather and the opaque looking buildings in the background suggest busy city life. The shot allow the audience a clear image to establish their where abouts and the setting easily.

Paranoia - This photograph shows Sam walking down a long corridor weary of what or who is around her. Her dark clothing makes attracts all attention and slightly blurred focus of the image reflects her uncertainty. The audience will be likey to feel suspense.

Hanging -the image above shows sam hanging over a city scape. Her facial expression shows the fear she feels. This could symbolise the cliff hanger endings that thriller conventionally use. Also the image could create suspense; will she or will she not hold on?

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