Monday 25 January 2010

How is suspence created in United 93

United 93 is a poltical thriller about the terroist attack which happend in america on 9/11 in 2001 where four planes what used as weapons to reach thier targets and this film follows the airplane united 93 whos targtet was the white house. United 93 did not reach it target as the passengers faught back.

All the way throught out this film it creats suspence and one way it creats suspence is through is sound with most of the film having a bass droan in the background to try and creat tension in the film as something terrible is inevtiable and the droan helps to creat suspenece and a weiry atmosphere. Sound affects are also used to help creat suspence such as a heartbeat when it comes to near the end of the film as you know that they are about to face their death so it builds up tension and therefore suspenece.

United 93 shows suspence all the way through out by playing on the readers emtion for example when the passengers are on the phone to thier loved ones is a very emotional moment and you find yourself having wishfull thinking that they will be ok even though you know they will all die. Before the passengers start boarding the flight you get to look at the individual and as you get to see the indivdual you find urself hoping that they do not go on the plan which is suspence as you know they are going to go on the plane and you know what will happen to them.

As United 93 is based on a true story which has been one of the most disturbing and upsetting news headline of the decade it creats intence suspence as you know what is going to happen and as you come close to the good characters involved in the film you do not want the inevtiable to happen. As we all ready know the ending of the film it makes the film become like an anit climax as you know what happens but you do not know how it happens and you want to find out which creats suspence.

United 93 was made to make it seem realistic and by having only small actors and actress init it makes it feel like a documeantry and with that feel to it, it makes the film become filled with suspence as it feels like real life. As there are no big actors init it makes it feel like there is no hero in the film despite the fact there are multiple because with a big actor it will make it feel as if he will save the day but in united 93 you know no one will.

As united 93 is meant to be like a documentary as they are trying to caputure the true story an hand held camera is used so all the filming is shaky which shows that everything is not normal and it makes it more personel and feel like it is happening now and then.

United 93 also creats suspence through the editing with something dramtic happening on the plan and it will edit to a diffrernt seeting and all you want to do is go back to the plane to see if everyone is ok which builds up tension and suspence.

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