Tuesday 26 January 2010

Photo 'Words' Activity

We were given the task to go out and take photos to depict a list of words. For this, we had to create the mood/emotion/atmosphere that the word describes in a photograph.

Electrify: in this picture, I am about to stick my fingers in a plug socket. This portrays 'electrify' as if the action were allowed to continue, I would be literally electrified. This creates suspense, as the viewer would not know if I would stick my fingers in the plug or not.

Paranoia: this picture shows me looking over my shoulder, as I think I am being watched. The corridor also adds to a paranoid atmosphere, as it is narrow and creates the impression that something ominous is going to happen.

Depression: in this picture, George is holding his head in his hands to portray his depression - he cannot bear to look at the world around him.
Confusion: this picture shows me pulling a confused facial expression to depict confusion. I am also holding out my hands as if I am asking a question.

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