Monday 25 January 2010

Detailed analysis of a thriller clip

In class we watched an opening title to the thriller called The shining and in this clip, we see in class it consits of a yellow car driving down a long road in the middle of know where which creates suspense. through out the showing of the clip all we see is a car driving a long a road and when we get a birds eye shot it looks as if the car is driving into darkness which tells us that within this two minutes to the start of the film we know that something bad is in the offering where this is represented by the darkness and the fact it is so decluded. As the camera angle is high it is a birds eye view but with the noise of like screeching and with the car being so small it as if it is an eagle in the sky and the car is its prey and with the car being like the prey you know something bad will happen to the people in the car which helps to create suspense in this thriller.

the location of this clip is in the mountains in a hotel which is in the middle of nowhere and we get the feel that it is decluded with not a lot of cars being on the road or a lot of people being in this opening of the title. With this opening title being a slow edit we get an insight of how this thriller may be because if the edit is anything like the film it will be very slow and when something is every slow it makes the reader go to the edge of the seat and is a good way to create suspense in thrillers and the slow edit in this clip helps to create suspense because with the slow edit it makes it feel that the hotel is that much further away. however another reason for the slow edit could be because with a opening title it is for the audience to get ready and to make them get prepared for the film.

in this opening title scene the actual title of the film and the cast and other names such as directors and more is in blue and is not very big and with a light back ground the title does not go well with the film and is not as affective and as it is blue it is a light colour and does have no sense of suspense attached to it where as if it would have been bigger and in a different colour like red it may have been better as red is a symbol of danger and could represent that something bad will happen.

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