Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Skills Audit: Creation of Titles

The titles of a film are very important in establishing a mood. The different factors that make the titles so important include font, colour, case (upper or lower) and the format (narrative opening with titles running throughout; a discrete title sequence; titles on a plain background).

To make our titles, we used the text tool that already exists within Final Cut Pro. This is because it had the exact font that we required, and it was easier to manipulate text within the film if it was created within Final Cut Pro.

In our title sequence, we decided to combine the format of narrative opening with titles running throughout with titles on a plain background. This was to change the pace of our title sequence, as the titles on a plain background make the sequence more disjointed. This creates suspense, as the audience wants to carry on watching the film, but a title gets in the way.

We also decided to use a font that looks like a typewriter. It is a serif font, which connotes serious underlying themes. This is because our thriller is supposed to be a political conspiracy thriller - the government are involved in serious issues, so we used a 'serious' font. We also decided to put the titles in white, as it shows up over all the footage.

When the titles of the starring roles appear, a camera shutter sounds. This is to emphasise the freeze frame that occurs on each starring role. We chose to put a freeze frame in to make the audience pay attention to each of the characters.

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