Wednesday 31 March 2010

Planing Preliminary Match Cut Exrecise

In this lesson each group was given the same task to create a short clip where a character must open a door, walk into the room, sit opposite another character and share a speech of dialogue. this clip must have some essentials cut to its which were one match cut, shot/reverse shot and illustrating an understanding of the 180 degree rule.

there was no Requirement of what this clip had to be about or what sort of genre it had to be, it did not have to be a thriller. the purpose of this clip was to learn how to use the camera and learn how to get all the successful cuts like a match cut which we achieved successfully. we had many ideas when we sat down and had to come up with a short clip but we decided to opp for a briefcase swap where there would not be no set speech we would just make it up on the spot but the main purpose was to make this clip a smooth edit.

Our story board shows an suspicious character walk down the corridor and walk up to a coded door, of which is zoomed into when the code is entered. when this charter enters the code he walks into the room and sees another character sitting down at a table waiting for his arrival. during the conversation between the two characters a brief case is swapped. once the character has the brief case he leaves the room quickly and starts to hurry down the corridor with the briefcase.

this exercise was a useful exercise to teach us how to use the camera and to make a short clip with the key essentials which we all achieved. this exercise also helped us to gain confidence in our groups as in this activity we had to share responsibility for preparation for our thriller title sequence.

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