Thursday 18 March 2010

Health and Safety Tutorial

Before we could film and use the cameras we had to have a lesson on health and safety tutorial where we looked at a slide show where it taught us how to use all of the equipment. we watched the slide show and had this lesson so we know how to use the equipment properly and also so we would not brake or damage them or anyone with them, the equipment we learnt how to use was:
- Tripod
- Memory Card
- Battery
- Video Camera
- Video Drive.

In this lesson we learnt how to use the video camera properly and how to use all the different functions on the video camera for example how to zoom in and out to get shots like a crash zoom which would be used for effect, we also learnt what mode to put the camera in when you are shooting. we also learnt where to place the memory cards when we are shooting our thriller title sequence because we would need to save it on to the memory cards and then transfer it on to a card reader and then onto the hard drive where each group would be given their own one where we will save all our work like the film, soundtrack, live type and final cut pro.

While we was in this lesson we learnt rules we have to stick to when filming our opening title sequence for our thrillers such as if it rains we should take umbrellas to cover the camera because if the camera was to get wet it would break and we would not be able to film. when we film we should not touch the lens otherwise you could get fingerprints on the lens which means it will ruin the quality of our film as fingerprints will be over the screen and also finally we should close the lens we are finished and make sure it is turned off otherwise the battery will run out.

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