Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Evaluation Q3+4 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? How will you attract/address your audience?

'Outsider' is a low-budget British film made by a group of amateur students. Taking these circumstances into consideration, 'Outsider' would be released by a low-budget production company - similar to WT2. However, we decided to release our film through Candi Studios. We chose the fictional production company Candi Studios as it is a low-budget production company that specialises in unknown amateur film-makers like us. This makes Candi Studios the ideal production company for our film, as it would tailor the release of our film personally to the target audience without breaking the bank.

On such a low budget, we could not afford to release our film in such a widespread way as a production company like Paramount could. This is due entirely to funds, so OOH advertising would be very limited with Candi Studios. However, using the internet is free and extremely accessible by many people. Our thriller film could be distributed through many websites, including: YouTube, Vimeo, 4docs and social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. This would be a successful way of distributing the film, as you can find things very easily online and when you see something on the internet it is very easy to share it with friends. The larger the fanbase during the pre-production stages, the higher the chances are that the production company would endorse and distribute the film.

It is possible to attract a large audience for a film purely over the internet - as illustrated with these examples of online student films:

You can watch the title sequence to 'Outsider' on Facebook right now:

or on YouTube:

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