Tuesday 27 April 2010

Evaluation- Q 2:How does your media product represent particual social groups?

The outsider had two main characters which are both shown in the picture above me George Jackson who played an government agent and Rico Francis who played a mysterious spy. These two characters in some way are very similar but in most ways are very different as one is seen as a good character and the other as bad. Rico portrays a bad character as he is wearing all black and most of the film he is wearing a balaclava. I on the other hand play a good character and a complete contrast to Rico as I'm wearing a suite and seem very business like and not mysterious I seem to be very Innocent whereas you look at Rico and you expect there to be trouble as he is the bad character in this film.

This pictuire of james bond is where we got the idea for my character as he is like my charcter as i just like james bond is a goverment agent.

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