Wednesday 28 April 2010

Evaluation- Q 3&4: What kind of media instituion might distribute your media product and why? how will you attract/address your audience?

Me and my group have made an armature film so we decided that our film would be best suited for a low budget production company like working title two. Instead we opted to go with candi studios as it is a fictional production company and we felt it would benefit the release and distribution of our low budget film.

ways in which we could distribute our film would be through the Internet and networking sites like YouTube, vimeo and 4docs and we could also distribute our film to websites such as facebook and myspace. Once our film had been recognised than we will seem to have a strong fan base and that is what we would want to achieve as we would be working for a low budget production company. as we would distribute our product online then that means it would be assessable by everyone so there is an opportunity for us to make a name for ourselves as a lot of small time movie makers get to make their name through the Internet.

These are some examples of As coursework found online on a website called youtube:
Here is a link of our video on two diffrent netwrok sites facebook and youtube:

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